Aurora Playing Cards by Alessandro Parabiaghi

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Here is not only a beautiful deck, but aso one of the best marked decks around.

The idea of ​​Aurora Playing Cards takes shape in 2015 when Alessandro (who is one of Italy’s most popular  magic you-tubers) decides to draw a deck of cards with the help of a friend. Immediately he had a very specific idea: he wanted to represent on the back of each  card a pair of wings: a very important symbol for him, because since childhood his  greatest fantasy was to be able to fly, to be able at any time to fly into the sky so as to have a unique and special vision of the world, distinguishing himself from the crowds.

The name Aurora instead derives from the polar aurora, an optical phenomenon of the earth's atmosphere, characterized mainly by bright bands of different shapes and colors changing in time and space, almost like a rainbow after the rain. In short, a sort of birth or rebirth.

The cards were designed by Alessandro and Antony Carvelli, creator and designer of Plexus, and printed by the USPCC.

All 56 cards in the deck are CUSTOM, which means that they are completely different from the cards of any other existing deck.

In addition to the 52 poker cards inside the case there are 2 Jokers (one of which with a prediction), a GAFF card and an advertising card with a QR CODE, which if scanned will lead to a secret section of the site where there is a video  (in Italian) in which all the secrets of this deck of cards are revealed, including 3 tricks that can be performed immediately once you have opened your Aurora Playing Cards.

• The cards are poker size.


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