Bicycle – Raul Cremona Playing cards

Szállítás pár héten belül.

5200 Ft

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This wonderful deck of cards comes from an idea of Raul Cremona. Raul is one of the most popular showmen in Italy, as well as one of the country&#39;s best and most beloved magicians. For the design of the deck, he worked closely with Sam Hayles, an English artist known for the Karnival decks.</div>
After months and months of hard work and continuous refinements, a refined and elegant deck was created that will give you a classy touch, and will make your card performances unique.</div>
The backs of the cards give tribute to his beloved Milan incorporating discreetly into the intricate and detailed design the Duomo of Milan. Both the box and the ace of spades take on with a fantastic design, this reference to the Duomo.</div>
The discreet signature of Raul is visible to the box on both Jokers.</div>
The deck is completed by a card with a blank face, and a double backer. These cards will come in handy in many routines.</div>
The deck, printed in just 3,000 copies from the US. Playing Card Company, was produced with special premium paper stock, and with air cushion finish. It therefore is excellent quality and handles great</div>


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