Chiaroscuro Playing Cards

Szállítás pár héten belül.

5900 Ft

Engedélyezett utánrendelésre


LIMITED EDITION: Only 2500 printed! Will NOT be reprinted.

In collaboration with Obec Studio. Chiaroscuro is painted by Biolimbo, including many of his closest friends and borrowing their personalities to match them with the character of each suit. Since suits were implemented in ancient cards, they have been attributed to four basic fields of life: emotions, thoughts, the material world, and our physical being.

Mixing these concepts with the early 20th century aesthetic, the artist is making a tribute not only to impressionism by using their conception of color as a vehicle of meaning, but also to the original painter of both jokers and one of the most prominent expositors of this movement, master painter Camille Pissarro.

Cardistry is, in many ways, one of the most particular disciplines in the world. Obec Studio blends cardistry with new arts and building the future of the cardistry, art, and community-driven content distribution.

– Limited edition of 2500.
– Manufactured by United States Playing Card Co.

• The cards are poker size.


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