Color Changing Deck by Gianfranco Preverino


4300 Ft

Engedélyezett utánrendelésre


The magician opens a blue box of playing cards and takes out the deck. The spectator chooses a card which is placed face up on the table.
After a magical gesture, the back of the card turns red!
This card is then placed on the blue deck and, a moment later, the back of the second card also turns red!
The magician then snaps his fingers and spreads the cards in a ribbon on the table: now all the backs are red!
Finally, even the case changes color and turns from blue to red!

A succession of very visual magical moments!

• The cards are poker size.
• Everything needed to present the effect is supplied.
• The video instructions are provided through a link. They are in English, but easy to follow even for those who do not speak this language. 


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