Floating Bottle

Szállítás pár héten belül.

4300 Ft

Engedélyezett utánrendelésre


The magician shows the audience a little red rope and a small yellow bottle. He slips
one end of the rope into the bottle and turns both the bottle and the rope upsidown together. Now for
the mystery: the magician gently releases the rope, and somehow, it remains suspended inside the
upsidown bottle. After this first effect, the magician straightens the bottle and the rope again. This
time, he slowly release his grip on the bottle, and inexplicably, it remains suspended, mysteriously
hanging from the rope! Immediately after this magical suspension, the magician hands both the
bottle and the rope to the spectators, for whom repeating the small miracle they witnessed will be
absolutely impossible!

• The bottle, made of high quality plastic, can also be separated in two parts.
• The trickis very simple to perform.
• Detailed instructions are supplied.


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