Frogy by Ilusionista Snake


18800 Ft

Engedélyezett utánrendelésre


You show a prediction laying down on top of a box of cards. The prediction in full view, it can be a playing card, the serial number of a borrowed bill, a written prediction, or anything you choose.</div>
Now somebody selects any card and he sign it and suddenly the card vanishes from the deck and ended up becoming the card on display since the very beginning.</div>
A simple, subtle and invisible switch that will allow you to perform miracles and blow minds. 7 routines that were created for a maximum impact.</div>
Snake has been working on this gimmick since 2013, he is very creative and have manufacture a high impact device. Frogy is an ingenious gimmick capable of switching in a blink of an eye many different objects.</div>
Once in your hands you will experience the infinite possibilities of invisible switching.</div>
Frogy is prepared by the bare hands of Snake, this ensures its quality and inspection of each product, examined and tested before marketing.</div>
&bull; The instruction are supplied in a DVD. Even if they are in English, they are very clear and easy to follow even for anybody that does not know this language.</div>


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