Juan Tamariz Playing Cards

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6400 Ft

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This deck is the first production of Dani DaOrtiz with the cooperation of Jack Nobile (D & J) associated with Grupokaps (Gkaps).

Influenced by the work "DVD Juan Tamariz from my heart" (Grupokaps 2017), it is a tribute to Tamariz one of the geniuses of magic. The project that took almost a year to develope, created with great love, admiration and passion, finally, today sees the light.

The design (by Jonathan Cadenazzi) focuses on highlighting some of the aspects that caricature and enhance the figure of Juan: the spider and the violin (imaginary). Already in his legendary book "Sonata", we can see many illustrations of musical notes resting on slats woven by funny hand-drawn spiders (by Juan himself). And these are the spiders that always put an end to every thought written by Juan Tamariz, as it is present in Juan's signature. An innocent spider, which weaves threads of ingenuity, creativity … but above all LOVE for magic. A spider that, if it did not appear in this deck, could never be Juan Tamariz's deck!

Dani DaOrtiz: Do you like this design Juan? (referring to a joker who was drawing the figure of a violin)
Juan: Yes, nice, but I can see it.
D.D: – Well, this is the idea, you can see the beauty of the design, right?
J: – But I see it …
D.D: Yes, and me. It's beautiful, is not it?
J .: – Very pretty … but I see it.
D.D: – And so?
J. And so my violin is imaginary !!!
D.D: Hahahaha

This was the speech between Dani and Juan in the design process. And so: a violin that everyone remembers, has been heard on many occasions … but no one has ever seen it. A violin that seems to play the most magical melodies, prostrate in his hands, and seems to play every time Juan finishes an effect.

But what they see is its no less magical case. A case that not only has the mission of creating an imaginary violin, but also contains hundreds and hundreds of magical effects. Just look at some of Juan's shows, to know that every time he opens his magic case, we must prepare ourselves to live a new effect, feel a new magic melody performed among spades, hearts, flowers … paintings, and composed in an imaginary pentagram woven by spiders of passion, and performed by one of the greatest geniuses that our art has given.

Ladies and Gentlemen, open curtains to make room for these fifty two magic cards, which make us vibrate and feel tingling in the stomach, paying homage, nothing more and nothing less than the genius Juan Tamariz.

From the heart


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