MATERIA – Deep Sea by Cardistry Touch

Szállítás pár héten belül.

10500 Ft

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MATERIA is Cardistry Touch's brand-new line of Cardistry Cards:This is not a deck you will keep sealed in the back of your drawer, this is your everyday deck, a deck that you will use.
This first version, DEEP SEA, features a bold and minimal design, with a simple rectangle shape repeated on the backs and the fronts. This consistency between both faces of the cards will enhance motions and make it easier to focus on the actual moves and understand even complex cuts. To complement this idea, the strong contrasts between backs and fronts will also make packets pop out even more. The faces are also created with spreads and fans in mind, creating different rhythms depending on the way you fan.

• Printed by USPCC on premium crushed stock
• 51 identical cardistry cards
• Premium mat standard tuck case


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