Minimize by Chiam Yu Sheng


11400 Ft

Engedélyezett utánrendelésre


If you are looking for a powerful and visual effect, MINIMIZE is made for you.
Imagine a signed playing card with a torn corner that vanishes with no special move. Then you introduce a few corners with different colors/sizes from previous performances and take one with the wrong color/size.
Just shake the corner and it visually changes into the matching signed card corner! You can now give the card and the corner for examination.

• MINIMIZE has been designed to be easy to perform. All the moves are justified in this routine.
• You will receive everything you need to perform the effect : the gimmick, different colored torn corners, locking system.
• Created by Chiam Yu Sheng from Singapour.
• The video instructions are supplied through a practical download link. They are in English, but easily understandable by anybody thanks to the clear video.


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