NOC-turn Playing Cards

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5200 Ft

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"The NOC deck created by DiFattaMagic is one of my favorite editions to date. The color is so rich and vivid – I've been using my 1 deck for a few months now in secret! Wish I had more!!" 
Alex Pandrea

As the name suggests, this new NOC deck designed by Francesca Frasca of DiFattaMagic, takes inspiration from the dark, intense colors of night. The backs of the cards are a beautifully intense dark blue with a “silver lining” that makes them one of the most sleek and elegant NOC decks to date.
The faces are standard so the deck can be used both for cardistry and to add a touch of class to magic performances. The only exception being the oversize aces that contribute with their design, to the night air that this deck breaths through every card.
The dark tuck case with its starry sky contrasting with blue reflexes and traditional NOC stripe in silver, sets the mood, and is the perfect introduction to this night-themed deck.  

•    Printed by USPCC
•    4 special cards are included: 2 moon eclipse jokers (one of which with a prediction); 1 double backer, 1 blank face.


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