Nut & Bolt Mystery

Szállítás pár héten belül.

10500 Ft

Engedélyezett utánrendelésre


A bolt, nut and a tiny padlock are shown. A spectator unscrews the nut. After thorough examination a borrowed ring is placed on the bolt and the nut is screwed back on. The hasp of the padlock is engaged in the hole at the screwed end of the bolt and locked. The Performer covers everything with a hanky and instantly brings out the ring separated from the nut and bolt (the effect can also be done bare handed). He then shows that the nut is properly in place on the bolt and the padlock is intact.

A beautiful brass prop that will enrich your close up repertoire.


• The nut measures cm 6 x 2 x 2,5

• No secret exchanges have to be made, and the ring can be lent to you by a spectator.

• The padlock is not supplied, but it is a normal padlock and readily available in any hardware store.

• At the end everything can be examined, and nobody will be able to discover the ingenious secret. 




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