Out of Sight by Joshua Jay

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35200 Ft

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A freely thought-of card is shown to be the only card in an entirely blank deck! 

The very best magic tricks don't just fool us, they inspire us.

Finally, the waiting is over! Joshua performed this effect under the working title "Blind Man's Bluff" for years during his lectures. He amazed and fooled all the magicians he met during his journeys, up to the most famous ones.

"Out of Sight" combines an amazing magic trick with a storyline that is both intriguing and uplifting. Included in this package is a custom-made deck of cards (red Phoenix Deck), a blindfold, and a DVD featuring Joshua Jay, who explains every nuance of the presentation and method. Every single deck is hand made and prepared with our Science Friction Spray.

"Out of Sight" is entirely self-working, and worthy of closing your close-up or parlor show.

• The cards are poker size.
• The instructions are in English, but easily understandable by anybody thanks to the clear video.


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