Peak – Day

Szállítás pár héten belül.

8000 Ft

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Beautifully designed playing cards showcasing all of Colorado&#39;s 14ers, proudly made in the U.S.A.</div>
Peak Playing Cards beautifully illustrates each of Colorado&#39;s fifty-three 14ers, which are mountains rising at least 14,000 feet above sea level.</div>
Each back features the summit of a mountain peeking through the clouds, surrounded by rays of sun or shining stars. Each includes all fifty-three custom designed fronts that feature Colorado&#39;s 14ers. Both are symmetrical over the horizontal axis, so nobody will know how you hold the cards in your hand.</div>
All fifty-two playing cards and one Joker have a custom illustration of the peak of the 14er, as well as its name and elevation. The cards are ordered according to elevation; the highest peaks are aces and the lowest twos and a joker. Each card uses clean lines and lots of white space to showcase the modern design of the peak.</div>
53 Fourteeners = 52 playing cards + 1 Joker. The other Joker is a custom design featuring Red Rocks. One blank card included.</div>
The suits are also a completely custom design. The font for the pips is modern, thin, and pairs well with the mountain design. The direction of the lines for the hearts/diamonds and clubs/spades lean opposite directions, making it easy to quickly distinguish between suits of the same color. The cards are beautiful to look at, but also easy to play with.</div>
Peak Playing Cards will be printed by the U.S. Playing Card Company (USPCC). This means exceptional quality used by the pros, all made in the USA.</div>
&bull; The cards are poker size.</div>
&bull; Air-cushioned finish for easy dealing and handling.</div>
&bull; Card paper stock is crafted from sustainable forest paper, starch-based laminating glue, and vegetable-based printing inks.</div>


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