Phoenix Marked Deck – Red

Szállítás pár héten belül.

9700 Ft

Engedélyezett utánrendelésre


Revisited – Refined – Reborn

Can the World's Best Marked Deck be improved? YES, AGAIN!

When the Phoenix Deck was created, the Marked Deck was designed first, without ANY compromise in design and location of the markings. Believe it or not: the number of marking locations were DOUBLED, making this deck perfect for left and right handed magicians as well.

Even better: a DVDS online "Release the Power" was addes with detailed explanations and several tricks utilizing these markings.

This is a dream come true for all magicians who love to use a marked deck. The markings are based on the ideas of Ted Lesley, which are extremely visual compared to all other marked decks on the market as they perfectly blend into the design of the Phoenix backs.

Every magician who saw the Marked Phoenix Deck for the first time smiled when he finally found the markings. You will smile too! Promise!

All markings are situated at the same spot right in every corner, so even the slightest opened fan in either direction will allow you to read the marking. If the back design gets into view, you will be able to spot the value. It can't get easier!

• The cards are poker size and standard index faces.
• The instructions are in English, but easily understandable by anybody thanks to the clear video.


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