Ring to Sholeace by Adrian Carratala


103500 Ft

Engedélyezett utánrendelésre


For years, Adrián Carratalá has jealously guarded the secret with which he managed to deceive Penn & Teller. Now you too can amaze your audience with this miracle.

Effect: A borrowed ring disappears under a scarf and immediately appears tied to the magician's shoelace.

And this is the best of all:
• The magician never goes near the shoe.
• It does not depend on the clothes. He could appear completely naked (only with shoes, of course).
• The gimmick installs in 5 seconds and the game resets in another 5 seconds.
• The complete system is self-contained and fits in a pocket.
• Duplicate rings are not used. The ring that the spectator holds is her true ring until the end.
• There are no robberies or suspicious movements, the hands are empty at all times.
• No reels, threads, or elastics are used. The gimmick is designed for professional use.
• Each unit has been handcrafted in Spain with great care and supervised one by one by Adrián.

Important: The use of dark shoes or with black laces is recommended.

Inspired by an original idea by Richard Sanders. Explanatory video in english and Spanish.


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