Rising Card


5200 Ft

Engedélyezett utánrendelésre


Despite its simplicity, this is one of the best, and most practical rising card effects available. The effect is very well known: a card is selected by a spectator, and put back in the deck. Then mysteriously the card slowly rises from the pack!   Here are the fine points that makes this system unique:

• The deck used is a normal deck and could also be borrowed.

• The spectator can freely check the cards before and after the effect.

• You can even make the selected card slowly come out of a deck that is spread on the table.

• Supplied together with 1 gimmick and two spares, is also a regular deck of bicycle playing cards poker size.

• The gimmicks supplied are very resistant and can be carried around comfortably all day being ready to use at a moment’s notice.

• Together with clear written instructions for the basic effect we have supplied also a link to video instructions both for the standard effect and also for showing how the card rises from the deck when it is spread out on the table.


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