Sitta Laundry Silk set


24900 Ft

Engedélyezett utánrendelésre


The magician shows three stained silks and places them in a box of washing soap (or simply in a paper bag made from a sheet of newspaper). He pours some liquid into the box and claims that the box of detergent will be used as a “magic washing machine. A moment later he takes out the three completely white silks, perfectly clean. Finally he opens completelytears the box to demonstrate that there is nothing hidden inside!

A timeless classic!

• The various white and stained silks measure 45 cm per side and the plastic gimmick necessary for the effect are supplied.
• We also supply a beautiful soap  box, specially made for the effect, that can be fully opened. It can be reused several times, but if it gets damaged, you can purchase refills.
• The gimmick for pouring the liquid is not supplied (a classic milk glass or a magic jug are perfect additions to this routine, but not necessary to perform the effect).


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