The Hidden King Luxury Editions – Copper Foil

Szállítás pár héten belül.

10500 Ft

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"In July 2018, we finished all the luxury series prototype with Taiwan Playing Card Company. Redesigned from the Regularly Editions, and newly-developed printing techniques!

Copper Foil Edition include a large area foil printing on the 54-cards. Limited to 2000 with numbered seal.
Copper Foil Edition with uniquely coated foil-printed surface and flapless underside on its tuckcase.

Behind the Storie
The Copper Foil Edition inspired by the ancient art of Chinese bronze mirror-making, designed to play with the light, giving flourishes that extra flair. It require a large area foil printing, and has been taken us half a year in prototype production. Hot foil printing isn’t really stability in production. It depend on everything are matched completely. Please understand that playing cards stock even include the pattern on its surface. Sometimes the hot foil printing will also make the card out of shape by special artwork. Don’t forget it’s the thinner and softer paper stock. These are production limitation to force us trying, replacing, modifying and reprinting over and over again! However, we’re proud to share with you that we finally have a success way to produce with the artwork.
This edition it's a limited edition."

• The cards are poker size.


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