Ultra Bite Card by Andrew

Szállítás pár héten belül.

14600 Ft

Engedélyezett utánrendelésre


The effect of "the bitten card" raised to a new level!

If you are a fan of ingenious and high quality gimmicks, you will not be disappointed by this new creation by Andrew (creator of effects such as Jump Pips, Ghost Coin, Taste It, Candy Ghost, The Last Rise, etc.)!
This time the magician seems to be hungry! Very hungry ! A single piece is not enough… With "Ultra Bite Card", the public will not believe their eyes because the card will really reconstitute itself, on sight, after 2 bites!

Faithful to the video, here is a beautiful visual effect under the control of the magician, of quality, doable in close-up but also perfect for social networks!

Strong points:
– Bicycle Quality.
– Very funny and visual.
– 2 bites and successive reconstitutions.
– Very easy to do.
– A surprising mechanism.
– Ultra neat manufacturing, handmade.
– Explanatory video in French.


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