Switchvelope by Craziest

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20500 Ft

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Are you looking for the best switch device in an envelope ever? This is Switchvelope.

Based on Julio Montoro's Manila (and with his credits) we've come up with an organic way of changing any flat thing that you want. It can be a card, a bill, a business card,… THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS!

The gimmick is handcrafted with an inside working system constructed in plastic. The envelopes are specially designed by a well known company with the perfect sizes to fit in almost any wallet and with a beautiful kraft paper. This device is made to last you forever! Oh! Did we mention the locking system makes you have your gimmick ready to perform in your wallet for more than 4 hours?

The best part? You can change the "load" in less than 10 sec and without damaging the gimmick. Imagine you have your gimmick with a card load and you want to perform the signed bill to envelope routine… NO PROBLEM… in less than 10 seconds your device will be ready to do the bill routine!

With the device 100% constructed ready to go, we've also included some extra normal envelopes and some extra gimmicks to make your purchase the best one.

We also teach you 3 routines:
– Signed card to envelope.
– Any city named to envelope.
– Where's the card routine.
Be ready to get in your hands the best switch device ever made in a small envelope. This is SWITCHVELOPE by Craziest!


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